Welcome to the The Ultimate Linky’s Google+ Linky Party!
For the month of March I will be co-hosting the The Ultimate Linky’s Google+ Linky Party. Hosted by Tammy from The Ultimate Linky. So come meet some new friends and gain some new followers!
There are two linkies in this party! You can do just one or both linkies if you wish. On the first linky, you will link up your Google+ URL from your Google+ profile or page so that others can add you to their circles. On the second linky, link up the URL of a status from Google+ that you would like to receive some more interaction (a comment, +1, or maybe even a share!)
Please add Tammy from The Ultimate Linky and me to one of your circles on Google+, add the button to your sidebar or party page, and then link up and follow the directions for who to circle/interact with!
Here is the button that you can add to your sidebar or party page. We also appreciate any shares that you could give about this party! Thank you for your help in spreading the word!

Follow Tammy on Google+. Click HERE to go and add to your circles!
Follow Kim P (KidPep) on Google+. Click HERE to go and add to your circles.
Please link up your Google+ url.(example: https://plus.google.com/+TammyDoiel/ or it will have https://plus.google.com/with a long number after it).
Then click on the three links above yours and add them to your circles.
The last three link-ups will be put on next week's linky first so that they can be followed three times as well.
Do not link up if you are not willing to follow others!
Thanks for linking up!
Follow Tammy on Google+. Click HERE to go and add to your circles!
Follow Kim (KimPep) on Google+. Click HERE to go and add to your circles.
Link up only one google+ post.
Please link up your google+ url of the post you want shared. (It will look like this: https://plus.google.com/103958954297006651938/posts/YQBeXr99wAd).
Then click on the two links above yours and comment, +1, or share them.
Do not link up if you are not willing to do the two links above your link!
Thanks for linking up!
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