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You will want to check out these alcohol popsicle recipes that will please any crowd. Yummy adult popsicles that are so tasty. Many alcohol ideas to choose from: Tequilla, Rum, Bourbon, Vodka, Whiskey and more.

Tequila Sunrise Freezer Pops Add these tequila sunrise freezer pops to your boozy choices for a hot day โ€“ great poptails. With just 3 ingredients you are good to go.

Spicy Mango Margarita Creamsicles Here is your new favorite mango flavored creamsicles with a hint of margarita to spice up the day. Sweet and creamy

Red White And Blue Boozy Popsicles A customized boozy popsicle style perfect for some patriotic festivities โ€“ try having these red white and blue boozy popsicles.

Strawberry Mojito Wine Popsicles Sweet strawberries with mint โ€“ lime and wine make up this wonderful popsicle recipe for your hot summer day.

Jack & Coke Boozy Popsicles How about some refreshing boozy popsicles? These Jack and Coke popsicles are the perfect Summer treat or to enjoy anytime of the year.

swipe up for ingredient list for each Boozy popsicle recipe Spicy Mango Margarita Creamsicles Jack & Coke Boozy Popsicles Strawberry Mojito Wine Popsicles Tequila Sunrise Freezer Pops Coconut Mojito Ice Pops Red White And Blue Boozy Popsicles Boozy Watermelon Margarita Popsicles Frozen Vodka Lemonade Pops Boozy Bourbon Cocoa Pops


Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time:  20 minutes Servings:  4

Prep Time

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Get ready to bake up the BEST boozy popsicle recipes.