
Place the mozzarella and cream cheeses into a microwave safe bowl. 


add dry ingredients &  knead with hands - add egg & beat on high until well incorporated.

Roll the dough out until & cut the dough into 8 large rectangular shapes.

Starting at the fattest end, roll the dough triangles down until they form a crescent shape.

Bake on a parchment or silicone mat lined  baking sheet

Brush the melted butter over the top of the hot crescent rolls and serve.

Easy keto crescent roll recipe you will want to mix up and bake today.

low carb croissants that are the perfect breakfast, snacks or side dishes for lunch or dinner.

Get ready to bake the best low carb keto croissants.

– Mozzarella cheese  – Cream cheese – Almond flour


*Read more ingredients...

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Check out this healthy croissant alternative to high carb flaky croissants.